Note’ she does not even know that Badaga and Badagu – படக & படுகு are never referred to as Badahaa. She goes on to say that like many Dravidian Languages ” BADAHAA – படஹா ” is only a spoken language. In her preface, she claims that all Dravidian Languages are derivatives of Ancient Tamil. It appears that Jayalakshmi’s only ‘qualification’ to write about Badaga is that she ‘found out’ in ” Badaga people’s spoken language, the greatness of old Tamil” when she was serving in the Ooty Municipality. I came across a book in Tamil called “Arivom Badagar Mozhi’ அறிவோம் படகர் மொழி by Era.Jayalakshmi – published by Vijaya Pathippagam, Coimbatore.

Worse still, they have the audacity to ‘invite readers’ to ‘learn Badaga’. While we appreciate the interest and initiative shown by non Badagas to learn and write about Badaga, we feel angry when they give totally wrong information. It does not stop here, some ‘highly qualified/educated’ non – Badaga persons go as far as writing articles and books on Badaga language without understanding the basics or the fundamentals of this beautiful language. Unfortunately, the absence of a script has resulted in abuse of the language, what with ‘some learned and self proclaimed researchers’ claiming it to be a derivative of Tamil and others of Kannada. Badaga is an unique language…which still retains its old world charm.